
The 20th Issue of JAR is Online.

Journal for Artistic Research (JAR)


The 20th Peer-reviewed Issue of JAR is Online.

Journal for Artistic Research (JAR)

The online, peer-reviewed journal for the publication and discussion of artistic research.

JAR is open-access, free to read, and to contribute.

JAR acepta envíos en español, portugués, alemán e inglés.
JAR akzeptiert Einreichungen auf Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Deutsch und Englisch.
JAR aceita submissões em Espanhol, Português, Alemão como também em Inglês.
JAR accepts submissions in Spanish, Portuguese and German as well as English.

The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an international, online, open-access and peer-reviewed journal that disseminates artistic research from all disciplines. JAR invites the ever-increasing number of artistic researchers to develop what for the sciences and humanities are standard academic publication procedures. It serves as a meeting point of diverse practices and methodologies in a field that has become a worldwide movement with many local activities.

We are very proud to announce our twentieth issue with the following contributions:

  • Paul Norman’s ‘***CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION*** reading as performance / reading as composition,’ looks at composition through the perspective of conceptual art. In it he opens up an ‘expanded view’ enabling members of the audience to also become decision makers.
  • Srisrividhiya Kalyanasundaram’s ‘A Porous Consciousness in and as Artistic Practice: Re-engaging with classical Indian philosophy and aesthetics as a living tradition,’ looks at ‘porosity’ at the heart of consciousness as opened up and reflected upon though artistic practice.
  • Edmund Hunt’s ‘Composition as Commentary: Voice and Poetry in Electroacoustic Music’ investigates the enigmatic Old English poem ‘Wulf and Eadwacer’ through musical means allowing him to also take into consideration phonetic sounds as well as the meanings of the words.
  • Andrew Miller in ‘Exploring the Efficiency of Artistic Practices within the Context of their Interaction,’ investigates how practices can interact to create meaning. An ‘artefacts’ page presents an environment constituted by the research, the methodology of which is unfolded in a reflective text.
  • Jeremy Bubb’s ‘The Missing Page: Place as Palimpsest and “Foil”’ presents an investigation, in and of slow cinema, into the disappearance of the author’s mother from her home, asking us to imagine links between dementia and defamiliarization.

Keywords include: Ethnography, Phenomenology, Old English, Porosity, Defamiliarization, Concept, Ecological Consciousness, Permeability, Slow Cinema, Enactive Cognition, Electroacoustic Music, Creativity, Voice and Composition.

Take a look at JAR20 and read the editorial by Michael Schwab here.

The ‘Network’ pages of JAR’s website offer five new book reviews and one reflection:

JAR provides a digital platform where multiple methods, media and articulations can function together to generate insights into artistic research endeavours. In its peer-reviewed section, it seeks to promote ‘expositions,’ which aim to engage practice and demonstrate research. JAR views artistic research as an evolving field where research and art are positioned as mutually influential. If you are considering submitting something to the journal, be sure to look at our guidelines. The next deadline for JAR 24 (second issue of 2021) is 31 October 2020.

The Network is a non-peer-reviewed space on the JAR website for discussion, reviews and opinion pieces relevant to artistic research and JAR’s community. It carries no restrictions in terms of language, length, topic or theme. You can read all contributions here.

JAR works with an international editorial board and a large panel of peer-reviewers.

Editor in Chief: Michael Schwab
Managing Editor: Barnaby Drabble
Peer Review Editor: Julian Klein

Editorial Board: Annette Arlander, Danny Butt, Lucia D’Errico, Yara Guasque, Paul Landon, Manuel Ángel Macía, Christine Reeh-Peters, Mareli Stolp and Mariela Yeregui.

JAR is published by the Society for Artistic Research (SAR), an independent, non-profit association. You can support JAR by becoming an individual or institutional member of SAR. For updates on our activities, join our mailing list.

If you want to reach us, please use our contact form.