Aesthetic Modulation of affective Valence
Research Group at Cluster of Excellence Languages of Emotion at Free University Berlin
Thomas Jacobsen, Winfried Menninghaus – Scientific Direction
Julian Klein – Artistic Direction
Valentin Wagner, Mareike Vennen – Scientific Assistence
Alexandra Deutschmann, Natalie Zehnder – Artistic Assistence
Scientific Collaboration:
Johannes Bohn, Philipp Ekardt, Julian Hanich, Nele Lensing, Daniela Schönle, Mira Shah
Artistic Collaboration:
Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Claus Erbskorn, Natalie Schramm, Henrike Beran, Bruno Derksen, Henrike Meyer, Robert Feigel, Stefan Pernthaller
Evaluation of Emotions:
Aesthetic Modulation of affektive Valence
Why are we able to enjoy negative emotions? The interdisciplinary research group of psychologists, film and literature scholars and artists of the a rose is group investigates in several studies the joy of negative emotions within artistic framing: the joy of anger in theatre („Brain Check“) and the joy of disgust with object art („Oxybox“).
Brain Check – a psychological theatre experiment on the joy of anger
Theatre experiment on the pleasure of anger
by Julian Klein/a rose is
for the research group
„Aesthetic Modulation of Affective Valence“
at the cluster of excellence „Languages of Emotion“
of the Free University Berlin
sophiensaele Berlin, 2010
Scientific Publication
Valentin Wagner, Julian Klein, Julian Hanich, Mira Shah, Winfried Menninghaus, Thomas Jacobsen
Anger Framed: A Field Study on Emotion, Pleasure, and Art
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Dec 14, 2015
Julian Klein [et al.]. zynk – Brain Check. 100 Grad Berlin. Sopiensæle Berlin, 2010
Thomas Jacobsen [et al.]. „AngIE (Anger Induction Experiment) – ein psychologisches Theaterexperiment zum emotionalen Erleben von Ärger.“ Emolution 2010. Institut für künstlerische Forschung, Radialsystem V Berlin, 2010.
Julian Klein: Emotionstheater? Anmerkungen zum Spielgefühl. Forum Modernes Theater 25(1):77-91 (2010)
List of Co-Authors of the Study: Julian Klein, Thomas Jacobsen, Valentin Wagner, Alexandra Deutschmann, Arndt Schwering-Sohnrey, Claus Erbskorn, Natalie Schramm, Henrike Beran, Barbara Gstaltmayr, Johannes Bohn, Mira Shah, Nele Lensing, Daniela Schönle, Julian Hanich, Mareike Vennen, Philipp Eckart, Winfried Menninghaus.